Produk utama: Mesin lapisan bubuk, Stan semprot bubuk, Oven pengobatan bubuk, reciprocatator, mesin sandblast
Nomor Peringkat6 produk terlaris dalam Mesin Lapis LogamGlobal export expertiseFull customizationMulti-Language capability: Annual export US $5,219,245
Tingkat pendidikan staf teknis R&D3 graduate, 4 juniorCollege
Ulasan Perusahaan (3)
5.0 /5
Sangat puas
Supplier Layanan
Pengiriman tepat waktu
Kualitas Produk
04 Jun 2024 23:51
no matter powder coating machine or powder curing oven or powder spray booth or sandblasting machine, I always believe the quality and service of KAFAN & COLO, can always give solution in time. Love them~~~